Cost - $881

This is an in-person class

​Location:  Rutgers Lifelong Learning Center                            Spring 2025 Class is FULL at this time
                  3 Rutgers Plaza                                                           Check back here often to see when the fall class is scheduled                                                                                  

                  1St Floor Classroom                                                                                               

                  New Brunswick, NJ                                                                                                 

Times - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (no lunch break)                                                                               

​The course consists of six classes, held one day a week for six weeks; there is no lunch break.

Rutgers' Center for Government Services is pleased to offer this 25-hour in-person course, which provides training in the following areas:
* Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices; * Statutory requirements; * Speed limits; * Traffic signals; * Traffic surveys; * Site plan reviews; * Traffic management systems; and * Pre-construction meetings.

There are times when the traffic officer must work closely with government officials. This course will familiarize the traffic officer with traffic regulations, mandates, traffic control criteria, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Lessons for this course focus on how traffic officers manage their responsibilities. Students learn how to use the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUCTD), perform traffic surveys for traffic signals and stop & yield signs, post all types of signage, place adult school crossing guards, enhance bicycle safety, establish speed limits, delineate roadway parameters; write traffic ordinances and resolutions; develop written and verbal ​presentations for government officials and planning boards.

National TIM Awareness Materials

Click on the links below to download the item

TIM poster mini_without dates 2020 FINAL.pdf

TIM poster large_without dates2020 FINAL.pdf


Right-click on an image to "save as" for your use

This seminar explores advanced accident analysis, emphasizing the role of technology, engineering, and law enforcement in understanding and preventing severe incidents.  Experts will examine complex cases, utilizing forensic methods and cutting-edge digital tools to reconstruct events with precision.
Discussions will also highlight the impact of strict safety policies in reducing risks and ensuring accountability.  Attendees will gain valuable insights into modern investigative strategies and their role in improving public safety.


This three (3) day New Jersey Police Training Commission certified course is designed for police officers wishing to become Police Traffic RADAR instructors.  

The course will include basic principles of radar speed measurement, speed offenses, and enforcement, operation of specific radar devices, managing instruction,

and record keeping.
Radar Operator Certification
Two (2) years of Radar Operator experience

Location:         Ocean County Police Academy                                Location:     Gloucester County Police Academy
Dates:             April 28 - 30, 2025                                                    Dates:          June 16 - 18, 2025
Times:            9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Cost:              Free                                                                           Cost:            $150

Registration:  Click here                                                                  Registration: Click here

Police Traffic RADAR Instructor Refresher Training

** New Procedures Starting in 2024 **

        ​Click Here to go to the Rutgers CAIT Training Website
Listed below are the titles of the current courses offered by Rutgers CAIT which are related to Police Traffic Safety.
Click the link above to go to the Rutgers CAIT Training website and search for the appropriate course

NJDHTS Crash Analysis Tool - Demonstration
Traffic Incident Management Training for Emergency Responders

Work Zone Safety Awareness for Local Police
NJDHTS - Police Work Zone Safety Train-The-Trainer
NJDHTS – NJTR-1 Crash Form Refresher
UAS Applications for Traffic Safety

Math & Physics Review Workshop for Crash Investigators

​          Check back here often, as workshops will be posted once scheduled.

Location - Somerset County Emergency Training Academy

​Dates - June 4, 5, & 6, 2025

​     Kean University’s Statewide Comprehensive Traffic Safety Program presents these workshops, which are free to Law Enforcement Crash Investigators, with funding and support from the New Jersey Division of Traffic Safety.
     The Math & Physics Review Workshop for Crash Investigators was updated in 2024.  This interactive workshop deals with the equations used in Crash Investigations.  Attendees will utilize these equations to solve a variety of crash-related scenarios.  Attendees are strongly encouraged to review the basic principles of math and physics found in the Advanced Crash Investigation Courses before attending this workshop.  A scientific calculator and traffic template will be needed to work out the problems during this workshop.

At a minimum, attendees must have completed one of the following courses:                                         Some Topics Covered in the Workshop include:
- NJ Advanced Crash Investigation                                                                                                            - Work and Energy                   - Work and Energy
- NJ Crash 2                                                                                                                                               - Airborne                                 - Time Distance
- Vehicle Dynamics                                                                                                                                    - 2D & 3D Momentum

 To register for one of the workshops, go to the following link:

Location:        Ocean County Police Academy                        Location:                                                            

Date:              April 18, 2025                                                    Date:              

Times:            9:00 am to 12:00 noon

Cost:              Free                                                                  Cost:                  

Registration:  Click here                                                          Registration:   Click here

This is a LASER Speed Enforcement Operator's Course (also known as LIDAR).  It is a one-day course involving both classroom and hands-on practical exercises outside.  The course is geared for the Laser Technology Inc (LTI) 20-20 products such as the UltraLyte, TruSpeed®, TruSpeed® S, and TruSpeed® SX series of laser units and follows the New Jersey case law regulating Laser Speed Enforcement.  Each student will receive a workbook in the class.
Upon completion of the 80 hours of unsupervised operation of your lidar device and submission of documentation, the operator's cards from LTI will be issued.
The prerequisite for this course is that you be a certified RADAR operator.  Please bring your LASER/LIDAR device to the class for use in the practical exercises.  These classes are sponsored by Laser Technology Inc. (LTI) and are offered free of charge.
For more information, contact Rich Maxwell at
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  Location:           Wharton, NJ                                            Burlington Township, NJ 

Date:                  April 4, 2025                                            August 25, 2025

Time:                 Start @ 9:00 am                                      Start @ 9:00 am                                                       

Cost:                 No Fee                                                      No Fee                                                    

Click this link to register for any of these classes-                              

If you are interested in hosting a class, contact Rich Maxwell at

Crash Class Training Updates!

Rutgers - Practical Traffic Engineering for Police Officers (In-Person)

DHTS invites you to participate in one of our three upcoming in-person crash data analysis classes and Numetric workshops this winter. 
Date - March 20, 2025
Location - Rutgers CAIT Computer lab
Times - 8:30 am – 11:00 am

This is an excellent opportunity to refresh your data mining skills before the FY26 grant application deadline. The training will provide a walkthrough of the Numetric platform and its applications. During the 2.5-hour window, attendees will learn about the Crash Query, Network Screening, and Sliding Window Applications with an overview of their features. Users will learn how to filter for crash criteria, customize metrics, and create summarization, comparison, and over-representation reports. The class will walk through specific examples of utilizing crash data for program evaluation and hot-spot identification.  This is an interactive class and active participation is encouraged. The class is limited to 20 persons on a first-come-first-serve basis. The seats fill up quickly, so don't wait. Feel free to share this message throughout your organization or other safety partners you may feel would be interested.  To register for one of the upcoming classes, please email Joseph Weiss at specifying the date of the class you are requesting and include the name, agency, and email addresses of those participating.

Click here to download the class flyer

New Jersey Association of Forensic Scientists Spring Training Seminar
April 25th in Asbury Park - Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel
Registration till March 25th -- $90 members   /   $120 non-members                           After March 25th -- $110 members / $140 non-members

Police Traffic RADAR Instructor Classes (in-person)

NJDHTS - Crash Data Analysis Classes and Numetric Workshops

Police LASER / LIDAR Speed Enforcement Operator’s Classes  (In-person)

Below is a list of academies offering the Radar Instructor Recertification courses.  If you are aware of other academies providing this course, please forward the information to Rich Maxwell at

NJ School Crossing Guard Train the Trainer

Est. 1974

The 2025 Basic, Advanced, and Specialty Crash Investigation Training Are Scheduled and posted on the NJDHTS Website
Kean University offers these courses through a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety and are free of charge to NJ Police Officers.

Traffic Safety Related Training

The New Jersey Safe Routes to School Resource Center in the Rutgers Bloustein School of Public Planning has information for training School Crossing Guards.   For more information on the New Jersey Crossing Guard Program, go to

Rutgers CAIT 

​​New Jersey Police Traffic Officers Association